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Museum of Broken Relationships

Museums say a lot about history, countries, famous individuals, artists, politicians and well-known characters who have left a fingerprint in our world.

This one displays our everyday lives, shows what is happening on a daily basis and while reading the stories you would definitely relate to your own.


It displays items and stories from people who have had relationships, some for decades and other for days. Broken relationships which left a great impact in each person’s heart. 

The items displayed are what left from these relationships, however, luckily, those people were brave enough to give up the items and hand them to the museum to be able to finally move on, and share their stories with the world.


They are from every part of the globe, and not only love relationships but also family ones. 

It is amazing to see how humans along the years have lived similar experiences, did the same mistakes and been hurt in many different but exact ways. 

Haven’t we learned something?

We have come a long way, we have figured out solutions for most of our lives problems, isn’t it the time to find a healthy way to deal with our briefs?

The best bit of the museum is that you can also be part of it, you can share your story and send this item you have been holding on for a long time and think its time to let go. 
You can contact them and be involved in this link

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