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Because they look down on their devices

Have you seen her wide smile when she looked down and how she walked with confidence and enthusiasm after it?

She received a message.

The millennial generation has faced tons of criticism for looking down at their phones or smart devices; “Look up” many advertisements suggested.

This same generation is building virtual companies, online advertisements, big data, new currencies, and taking the business world to another level.

They gain opportunities worldwide, travel the globe, help refugees and folks in need, support entrepreneurs in another continent, meet people from different races and cultures and structuring communities.

This message she received might be an opportunity, a market hit, or even the sweetest text from a friend or family.

He, as well, you see him trying to hide his smile, one cheek goes up wrinkling the side of his young face with pleasure, received what he was waiting for, what he worked hard on and got it.

This is why they look down. Some days they miss something in their way, it is nice to look up, nice to get lost and see people around. But without looking down and swiping their screens they also might miss a great chance they were looking forward to, an e-mail titled “Congratulations!”, a text starting with “I miss you”, a tagged photo of “you will laugh watching this”, a booking confirmation of “have a safe journey” or a map message “you’ve reached your destination”.

Those things have become important in today’s life, observing them is just fascinating.

Criticizing smart devices won’t get the generation anywhere, because their precious devices are getting them to everywhere they once wished for.

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