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Reality, sometimes, Happens

Hearing from older people could be valuable in many ways, learning from their experiences, journeys and their lives’ turnouts are mind-blowing, but also, could be dream killer.

You know when you are in your early twenties believing you will change the world? When you planned to conquer and do whatever the people before you couldn’t achieve?

Some people will look at you and tell you “along the way, reality will hit you”

This sentence has damaged many dreams and broke hearts. “Let me be in my dreams, let me take my chances and have my failures” I would reply.

You know where it could hurt even more?

Seeing a person turning 25 and entering the phase of “Damn! Last year I had big dreams, now I’m helpless, doing the minimum, depending on my family, and had achieved nothing” but it is only 25, life can’t be that hard. “I can’t keep living my dreams” thoughts would come to person’s mind “I need to find a regular job and gain money”

And there where most dreams were abolished and a life that people didn’t want to live start living.

Being one year younger than that person causes fear to grow inside “I will be like that one more year? I have to hustle”

Those chilling days in the room while watching a movie or series could feel unproductive and wasted time. But, hustling can’t happen every day, a break is needed. If one week break happens, confusion sets in and a person would start going crazy, “I am doing something wrong, a week has passed and I was totally useless”

Having a purpose in life is an amazingly precious thing. They say it takes time to know why you are on this earth, time could be an illusion, but it is passing by. Hours are turning into days, days into months and years. Hustling is the only option for a dreamer, and a dreamer can always be above 25 year-old.

Please, older people don’t kill our dreams, we are young and naïve, but we want to achieve. Please, life helps us do that, don’t let a corporate life with a bit of money seduce us and make us give up. Please, body and mind, help us get over laziness; help us take control of our days.

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